
How to Meet New People and Find True Love (This Summer)

There’s nothing like the arrival of summer sun to stir up a sense of optimism and adventure for the days to come. A craving to explore the world, thoughts of romance and a desire to stay out until all hours mixing and mingling with attractive strangers. For the millions of singles wondering where they should go and how to meet new people, here are..

The 5 Best places to meet someone special this summer without online dating…

Roof Top Bars and Patios

Meeting at a bar can seem like a no brainer but, there’s something about lounging on a patio that brings out our social side. To make the most of the evening women need to smile and flirt, let the guy know you’re interested and that it’s ok to talk to you. For the guys it’s your job to pick up her cues and come over. For an uptown vibe check out a roof top bar and for a more casual atmosphere try a neighborhood patio.


Play The Field

Summer is filled with opportunities to get some fresh air, exercise and expand your social circle. Beach Volley Ball, Soccer, Soft Ball, Frisbee, pick something that you’ve always wanted to try or maybe something that even scares you a little and go for it. For more ideas check out

 Accept All Invitations

Along with the heat, summer brings more invites to social events – parties, bbq’s, beach get togethers and work gatherings. Accept all invitations even if you’re not so hot on the event or are feeling shy. For many it’s the getting there that’s the hardest part. Set a goal talk to at least 3 other guests that you don’t know and after that you can leave. If you’re like most people you’ll end up finding that you’re enjoying yourself after all.

Think Similar But Different

Set yourself up for adventure and challenge yourself to try one new thing that you wouldn’t normally do every week.  Many times the person you seek is similar but active in areas that you don’t usually participate in. This can look like, if you’re sporty and enjoy daily runs alone then join a run club.

If you love traditional art then explore galleries or events that hold modern or performance art.  If you love going to upscale lounges try a sports pub. If you love movies, go see a play for a change.

Become The Person You Want To Date

Like attracts like. As a Love and Dating Coach my advice for people that really want to find true love is to become the person you want to date and then create opportunities for yourself. It’s important to get to know what lights you up and what you love to do, then start doing those things.

If you start implementing these steps, you’ll find that how to meet new people and expand your social circle will begin to naturally become part of your everyday life. The more you follow your interests, the greater your chances are of finding the right person, that matches what you’re looking for.



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