3 Things To Do On A First Date If You Want To Get Asked Out Again

3 Things You Must Do On A First Date (So You’ll Get Asked Out Again)

3 Things high value women do on a first date to capture a guys attention and asked out again.

You’re the total package. You’ve got the beauty, the brains, and the accomplishments to prove it. Yet something remains a mystery – your Love Life. You may get asked out on a lot of first dates, yet rarely get a second or third.

You find yourself gathering your trusty group of girlfriends and endlessly dissecting the situation. You thought it went great. He checked all the boxes and you wanted to see him again…

What happened?

Many first dates these days are a first meeting from online dating sites or apps. While these tools are terrific in bringing people together, they create a unique situation. Online dating just isn’t natural. And if you don’t understand the learning curve, you’ll lack the skills that help to build romantic feelings during and after the date.

In order to get asked out again, you need to create a number of emotion based connections.

Without taking these steps, what you have is basically a nice time. And a date that doesn’t have any “stickiness” to it. Basically there won’t be anything that helps create an emotional bond that makes him want to see you again.

A “nice time” doesn’t stand out at all. Its just another basic round of “get to know you questions”. Which is pretty much the same thing that everyone experiences on a first date. Boring and forgettable.

Click to watch the 4 min video below to learn the 3 types of connections you must make, (if you want to see him again)…

What To Do On A First Date To Get To A Second

1. Be Intriguing

Ok, I know this sounds like a tall order, right?

Actually it’s much simpler than you think. Because if he’s asked you on a date, there’s something about you that he already finds intriguing.

What you do from this point on though, will determine whether or not he’ll continue to.

Men spend most of their day in their head, in the future, strategizing and planning. If you want to get his attention, he needs to feel your presence on the date.

Your presence makes him present, this is a interesting feeling for him, it sparks curiosity and he start’s to feel your essence.

And all the wonderful qualities that women possess that men find enchanting –  your feminine energy, vulnerability, radiance and your receptiveness towards him.

2. Ask Questions That Create An Emotional Connection

One of the biggest mistakes that I see both men and women making is asking too many boring get to know you or interview type of questions.

These types of questions tend to dominate those first time online dates and of course you need to know this at some point. However, leading with this line of questioning tends to kill attraction.

In order to connect with a man that you barely know you need to think of your dates as a heart to heart connection points and ask questions that can create the start of a bond between you. Check out my video post for 3 perfect first date questions here.

3. Use Your Feminine Super Powers

Did you know that as a woman flirting is one of your natural superpowers?

Maybe your think your bad at flirting or too shy, but trust me its inside of you, all you need is a little practice!

Dating is a two way street and you can’t assume that your date will know that you like him. Most men need clear signals from you.

Start out by making a physical connection with a simple warm hug as you greet him.

As the date progresses, and you’re finding him interesting and attractive make flirty eye contact, touch his arm, be warm and smile.

If flirting makes you nervous, think of it as nothing more than bringing your playful, feminine essence to the table. And the warmth that is a powerfully attractive to men.

Use this 3 first date tips and let me know how your second date goes! Keep in matter where you go matters as well. Here are 20 fun weekday first date ideas that create attraction. And 50 more fun low-key first date ideas.




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What To Read Next To Date With Confidence

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Photo Credits – Unsplash,, Sources: First Date Statistics

Get Asked Out Again

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