How To Spring Clean Your Life (Time To Make Room For EPIC Love)
Is your dating life in a rut? This is how to spring clean your life, and ditch the dating habits that are keeping you perpetually single.
Spring is here and it’s a wonderful time to open up, refresh and renew your life. Let go of anything that no longer serves you and create fresh new spaces to live in.
And I’m not just talking about your overstuffed closets and dusty windows. I’m talking about your dating life. And all those dating habits that might be preventing you from finding the right man.
Today I’m sharing with you how you can spring clean your dating life and banish the 3 types of energies that may be blocking you from love. So you can make room for an amazing man to come into your life.
Pretty Sweet right?!
1. Clear Your Electronic Emotional Clutter
Do you have a phone full of old contacts, texts and pictures?
What about your Social Media, any Ex’s lurking about?
These are all things that are keeping your energy tied to your past. Taking steps to clear this area of your life is vital if you want to make room for love.
Especially, if somewhere in your heart, you’re hoping on some level that it could’ve worked out differently for you.
There’s no easy way to do this, other than to just do it. Kinda like pulling off a band-aid.
Get out your phone, go through your contacts, texts and photos and delete anyone that is not a part of your life (and never will be).
Next hit all your social media accounts, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Snap Chat. Basically anywhere and everywhere you can think of and….Delete, Delete, Delete.
I know that getting rid of all these people, the memories, all the what ifs, can feel so final. Like that last little bit of hope you had is now gone. But I can promise you that you will feel better in the long run.
If you absolutely must keep the photos, then save them to a file on your computer where they will be out of sight out of mind.
And…If you find that you’re obsessing or stuck in a pattern of trolling exes or old crushes?
Block them and then take some time to look at what is really going on. This usually means taking the steps that you need to heal the past. And any lingering feelings of pain, anger and rejection that you’ve been holding on to.
It can also be very help for to work on building a more loving and compassionate relationship with yourself.
2. Clear Your Past Relationship Clutter
Have you ever heard of The Magic Of Tidying Up? There really is something about the energy that you create when you spring clean your life. It clears the way for all kind of new opportunities to come into your world.
You’ll also find that it can help shift your mindset (1). All that old clutter pulls your focus and energy. And keeps you from paying attention to the things that you really want in your life, like finding your soul-mate.
What types of Relationship Clutter do you have lying around?
Pictures, Jewelry, Books, Clothes, Misc. Trinkets, etc.? These reminders of the past can scatter your mind and your emotional energy. Keeping you stuck in old patterns that prevent you from moving forward (2) in your love life.
Spring cleaning your past relationship clutter is easy. Simply take a few minutes to go through your home and gather up anything that has ties to Exes and either donate or box them up and put them away.
3. Change Up Your Daily Routine
This the clutter of your everyday life!
Are you stuck in the same old boring routine? Most of us are.
Living the same day, thinking the same thoughts, reinforcing the same tired habits day after day and then wonder why nothing changes!
If you want to make a big change in your life, it’s rarely made by a significant event just happening to you, or taking a huge step. Though it can, but this is usually not the easy way – occurring mostly through divorce, breakups, death, loss of employment etc.
New positive changes, the ones you want? The kind that are going to help you reach your goals? They’re created by the small tweaks and new habits that you make in your everyday routines.
Try getting up 15 minutes early, taking a different route to work, get your coffee somewhere new, smile at that cute stranger and say hi.
If you always go to the same gym, try a new fitness class, go out for a drink on a Wednesday, take an art class, just get out there and mix it up.
Will you meet the love of your life?
Maybe, but maybe not right away. Maybe you meet a new friend that changes your life or introduces you to someone who will.
You’ll start to find that with small changes, you’ll be experiencing a dating life that’s more fun and connected. And a higher overall level of happiness and satisfaction with your life as a whole.
This is the kind of energy that’s magnetic and attracts all kinds of great things to you. Like new friends, opportunities and maybe love too!
So why not give it a try and spring clean your life, so you can finally call in that amazing man.
Your Next Step
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