150 Cute Good Morning Texts For Him (To Make Him Smile)
150 Cute good morning texts for him to make him smile. Because, let’s face it, nothing says I’m thinking of you like a sweet, romantic message before 9AM.
Don’t you just love getting a sweet text from that certain someone first thing in the morning?
It can make you feel, well, very special knowing that you’re on his mind. In turn, you may also want him to know that you’ve also been thinking about him. But what to send?
Simple good morning texts can quickly get stale. And you do want to stand out. Besides, it can be a lot of fun to mix it up now and then!
This is where I’ve got you covered. I’ve curated the ultimate list of cute, sweet, funny, flirty, romantic texts for you to send your guy. But as you use these, please keep in mind that most of these are meant to be just plain fun.
Cute texts have a way of adding a little playfulness into your life. As well as, sparking ideas and funny or flirty conversations with him.
All wonderful things at any stage of a relationship!
One more thing to keep in mind is that it’s all about choosing the messages that feel the most right for you. And where you are in your relationship now. So therefore, you’ll find texts below, perfect for you if you’re just starting to date. In addition to others for when things get more serious, and he’s your boyfriend or partner.
Cute Good Morning Texts For Him To Make Him Smile
The cute good morning text messages below are short and cute, and perfect for him to wake up to! They will brighten his day and he’ll feel loved and appreciated. Not to mention that you’ll definitely be on his mind all day long!
1. Pretty sure I fell asleep and woke up smiling. 🥰
2. Me + You = <3. I can’t wait to see you later!
3. Without you, I don’t know if I’d have a smile this big on my face this early in the morning.
4. You’re going to kill it today, I believe in you! XO 💛 (Sweet and encouraging)
5. Good morning! I just wanted to say thank you. You’re the reason I woke up smiling today.
6. Good morning, Sweetie! I love you a latte, have a good day! ☕️
7. Lol, tell me why this just made me think about you? (Then insert sweet emoji, inside joke, funny meme etc.).
8. Well, how the hell are we gonna top that date last night?
9. I can’t wait to wake up in your arms again.
10. Good morning! I can’t get last night’s kiss off my mind…🥰
11. Big day ahead, go get them, babe!
12. Good morning babe! Rise and shiiiine!!
13. Wake up, babe, it’s time to greet the day knowing that you have a fantastic girlfriend, who thinks you are just the greatest!
14. Babe, I want to break up. Your morning routine. With this sweet text! Good morning, I love you! 😘
15. Good morning! Happy FriYAY!
16. Morning babe! I hope you have an egg-cellent day! ☀️ 🍳
17. Have a great morning. Kick some a$$ today! 🙂
18. Good morning! When do I get to see your cute face again?
19. So tell me, what’s a girl gotta do to see you again?
20. Good morning to the sexiest man alive.
21. Good morning baby! Wish we could fast-forward to tonight already…😉
22. Good morning to my person.
23. Hey good morning sexy, how’d you sleeeeep?
24. Good morning! Ok I just realized I have a serious issue…I can’t stop thinking about you!!
25. Good morning! I can’t wait to see you later. Have a good day at work babe!! 😘
26. Morning, Sexy. I say we make like fabric softener and snuggle later!
27. Good morning baby! I went to bed smiling last night because of you.
28. Simply peak his curiosity by sending a text without any context – random emojis, a funny photo, meme etc.
29. Good morning handsome! Did you sleep well? Or were you too busy dreaming about me… 😉
Sweet and Romantic Texts To Send Him
Need a splash of romance in your morning routine? Simply send your guy one of these romantic good morning texts to make him fall in love with you. No promises but every bit helps. These sweet and romantic text messages below are sure to make your boyfriend, husband or crush feel special and think of you all day.
30. Even though it takes a heartbeat to think about you, the smile that follows lasts the entire day. Good morning Honey!
31. Good morning! Things I remember from our date last night: (thing #1), (thing #2), oh yeah, and that you’re one an amazing kisser…😉
32. This message is meant for the sweetest person in the world, and whoaaa… now you are reading it! Good morning Sweetheart!
33. Good morning, babe. Every day, you spoil me with your love and little acts of kindness. I just cannot start my day without first thinking of you.
34. Good morning cutie pie! You always bring the biggest smile to my face.
35. I’m so happy my dreams continue to come true! Just having you in my life makes me so much happier! I hope you have a great day at work! 😘
36. Even though we can’t be together, I’m happy I get to be with you every night in my dreams. Good morning honey!
Good Morning Texts For Him (To Brighten His Day)
Here are some good morning texts for him that will be sure to start his day off right and dare we say make him blush and give him butterflies:
37. Good morning to the man of my dreams! Every day since I met you has been a good day. Love you!
38. Good morning my love! I woke up thinking about how lucky it is that we’ve found each other.
39. Morning babe, can’t want to daydream about you all day…🥰
40. Good morning honey! You are the most amazing guy! I am so thankful to have you in my life!
41. Morning babe! I’m getting butterflies just thinking about seeing you later…💛
42. I need you more than coffee beans this morning!
43. Last night my dreams were filled with thoughts of you. You truly are the man of my dreams. Good morning my love.
44. The sun is up, the skies are blue, good morning my love I’ll be thinking about you.
45. Good morning my handsome man! My morning coffee, doesn’t come close to the way you make me feel…🥰
46. Good morning to the man of my dreams! Thinking of you has already made my morning beautiful. And with you on my mind, the day can only get better. Love you babe! XO
47. You are my favorite man. Try to remember that all day…
48. Happy thoughts are the best cures for a Monday morning, and I’m always happiest when I’m thinking about you!
49. My heart literally skipped a beat when I thought of you this morning.
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Short and Cute Morning Text Messages for Your Boyfriend
If you want to make your boyfriend feel special in the morning send him a cute text to wake up to. Below you’ll find a list of flirty, short and sweet good morning messages to send your special guy. And they also work for your husband or your partner too.
50. Good morning Sexy! Coffee, donuts and you, the perfect morning!
51. All the best good morning texts can be put into 3 words: I love you!
52. Good morning <3 <3 <3.
53. Good morning handsome! Have I told you lately that I love you bunches?…☀️ ☕️ 🍳
54. Good morning, babe 😘 (Because hey, sometime ya just gotta keep it simple.)
55. Good morning boyfriend, IMY. (Short and cute for I miss you)
56. Good morning babe, chase your dreams.
57. Good morning to the best boyfriend a girl could ask for!
58. I wish I were there to hit the snooze button with you.
59. Morning baby. Hope your coffee is as hot as you are! 😉
60. Good morning handsome, missing me yet?
61. Good morning boyfriend! Do you know how insanely happy you make me? I Love you! 😘
62. Good morning sunshine! It’s time to waaaaake up and make my day brighter.
63. Good morning to the man who stole my heart!
64. Morning cutie! The highlight of my morning is texting you before work. 😘
65. It’s virtual hug and kisses time. XOXOXOXOX Good Morning!
66. Good morning hot stuff! If I was there, I’d be kissing you right now! MUAH! 😘
67. Just the thought of you brightens up my morning. Have a good day my love! XO
68. Good morning, honey! Hope your coffee is as hot as you are! 💛
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Funny Good Morning Texts For Him
If you’ve been wondering what to text a guy in the morning to make him smile and laugh, then give these flirty and funny good morning messages for him a shot. Laughter is such an important part of a romantic relationship. Because it’s often the little moments like sending a funny text to the guy you’ve been dating, your boyfriend or hubby. That that can make all the difference in brightening his and your day. Enjoy!
69. Good morning, babe. I wish you were here (so you could make me coffee)…☕️ 😉
70. Morning Babe! We need to work on you becoming a morning person like me…;)
71. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But I still think that nothing beats having you as a snack. Good morning darling!
72. Good morning! I need you more than I need my cup of coffee this morning! And you know, I AM a coffee addict! 💛 ☕️
73. Hey sleepyhead! I looked online at the restaurant’s menu for our date tonight. Want to know what is on the menu? Me-n-u
74. Good morning cutie pie! You’re very lucky to have me as your girl…just sayin…😉
75. Good morning babe! Were you a coffee bean in your past life? Must be, because I can’t start my day without you!
76. You are the bacon to my eggs, the PB to my J, and the French to my toast. Just wanted to say good morning, and also that I’m very hungry right now.
77. Good morning babe, you are my angle. And you’re both obtuse and acute. Cheesy I know but I just couldn’t help myself! 😉 Have a wonderful morning a great day hon!
78. Good morning to a partner who knows everything about me, yet still for some reason sticks around. Hope your day is full of fun and laughter!
79. Babe, if you were here, I’d make you whatever breakfast you wanted as long as it was a bowl of cereal.
80. Good morning you sexy thing! Looking forward to you seeing me tonight…😉
81. I don’t like morning people. Or mornings… or people… But I love you! So good morning babe, and have a great day!
82. I love pancakes and waffles! But loving you means that I never have to choose…. we can just share our breakfast in bed. Good morning my love!
83. Morning. I can’t believe how drunk I got last night. I hooked up with some hot guy and made a fool of myself. Oh wait that guy was you! And…I wasn’t drunk…;)
84. I just want you to know, I’m not going to objectify you for your body like all the other girls. What I really like about you is your comic book collection.
85. Please get out of my head. Seriously though, it’s like, totally annoying.
86. My pillow hates you. It knows that I would trade it for your shoulder in a heartbeat.
87. Good morning, love. I see my spell hasn’t been broken. You are still incredibly, hopelessly, insanely, head-over-heels in love with me. May the magic continue! 😘
88. Good morning to my favorite person on the planet. Unless I find a sexy alien, you are the one for me forever.
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Good Morning Texts To Your Boyfriend
If you’re looking for some flirty and cute good morning messages to send your boyfriend. Then we’ve got you covered! Below you’ll find so many cute ways to say good morning to him over text. All you have to do is pick one and hit that send button!
89. Hey baby! I can’t let you start your day without telling you how much I love you! Have a great morning!
90. I hated mornings until I found a man worth waking up next to. Good morning my sweet man!
91. Mornings are my favorite part of the day! Know why? Because every time I open my eyes, I get to see your kind, loving face. I adore you <3 Good morning handsome and have a beautiful day!
92. Good morning! The only thing I like better than dreaming of you is waking up and finding you snoring on my bed! I am so lucky and you are so cute!
93. Good morning babe! I wish I was there to see how cute you look when you wake up. 😘
94. Good morning my love! You are literally the best person on this planet. Time to go prove to the world what you and I both already know. (Supportive, sweet and encouraging.)
95. Good morning sweetheart! It is magical to fall asleep in your arms, but it is even better to wake up next to you.
96. Good morning, handsome. But you know I’m only flattering you to get your sexy a$$ into bed…😉
97. Good morning boo! I’ve heard that kissing is the language of love. On a related note, we have a lot of talking to do when I get home…
98. Morning babe, I know you have a busy day ahead, but could you consider me in your to-do-list?
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Sweet Good Morning Texts For Him
Wish your guy a wonderful day with one of these sweet encouraging good morning texts for him:
99. You are the reason that I forget all my problems. Thank you and good morning!
100. Good morning to the man of my dreams! I was just thinking about you and couldn’t stop smiling. I hope you have a great day. 😘
101. I hate waking up with you on my mind, but not in my bed… huh… Well, good morning!
102. You made all my dreams come true, now I want to spend every morning with you.
103. Why does the morning have to start so soon? I need more time to dream about the sweetest guy who gives me weak knees every single day.
104. Without you, I don’t know if I’d have a smile this big on my face this early in the morning.
105. Good morning baby! Is it time for some (your name) attention yet?…😉
106. Good morning my love! Sending you a big kiss and smile to make sure your day starts our fabulous!
107. These days, I don’t struggle to get up in the morning because I know the sooner I start my day, the sooner I will see you. Good morning, honey!
Romantic Good Morning Quotes For Him
One way to make him feel special in the morning is to send him sweet and inspiring good morning quotes. Here are some good romantic morning quotes that you can send him.
108. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever.” – The Notebook
109.” You know when you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss
110. “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” – John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
111. “I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over, Without any doubt, I’ll keep choosing you.”
112. “I have late night conversation with the moon. He tells me about the sun and I tell him about you.” – S.L. Gray
113. “You have replaced my nightmares with dreams, my worries with happiness and my fears with love. Good morning.”
114. “I would rather spend one moment holding you than a lifetime knowing I never could.”
115. “We are made of particles that existed since the moment the universe began. I like to think those atoms travelled 14 billion years through time and space to create us so that we could be together and make each other whole.”
116. “I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” – Paulo Coehlo
117. “I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you.” — Jamie McGuire
118. “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep.” – Rumi
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Flirty Good Morning Texts For Him
There’s something about waking up to a flirty text that can set the tone for the rest of your day. Whether you’re sending a flirty message to your significant other, boyfriend, crush or a guy you’ve just started dating. These flirty morning texts for him will put a smile on his lips and make his day a little sweeter. Plus they also work if you want send him a spicy, sexy reply when he texts you in the morning.
119. Good morning handsome, I’m missing my cuddle partner.
120. Good morning sexy! My sheets still smell like you….😉
121. Good morning! I’m going to send over some virtual good morning kisses for you now. That’s all I have. I’ll just save the best for later….;)
122. A good morning would involve you having me for breakfast… but since I’m not there, my text message will have to do.
123. Good morning good lookin’! So, am I the only one, or did you also have a fantastic dream about us last night?
124. Good morning, my love. I know, I know, I wish I could have stayed in bed with you, too. But my coffee was calling. It’s nice and steamy — just like us! 😘 ☕️
125. Hello and welcome to another blessed day in which you get to be my partner. Congratulations and good morning! 😉
126. Good morning darlin‘, if you wanna stop by my house tonight, I just might have a kiss waiting for you.
127. Good morning! I’m feeling soooo thirsty. Hey your body’s made of mostly water, isn’t it?
Flirty Good Morning Messages For Him
If you want to make your man smile this morning, sending him a flirty good morning text for him is a sure fire way to get his attention. Below you’ll find some good flirty good morning messages to send him. These are spicy (but not too dirty):
128. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed… it was an empty space where YOU were supposed to be.
129. Morning, babe, just lying here imagining what would happen if you were here right now. Spoiler alert: It wouldn’t involve getting out of bed…
130. I woke up with you on my mind…😉
131. Good morning, handsome! I wish I woke up pressed up against you… but I guess there’s always tonight 😉
132. Good morning hot stuff! I was sleeping in your shirt last night. I can still smell your cologne all over me.
133. Hmm…why am I so worked up this morning??
134. Morning! Should I wear a short skirt tonight or a really short skirt?
135. To be honest, I spent the whole night just dreaming of you. I’m going to spend the rest of the day with you running through my mind…😘
136. Is it weird that I went to sleep last night just thinking about how excited I was to text you this morning? That’s the effect you have on me.
Sweet & Cute Good Morning Texts
Below you’ll find more cute and flirty good morning messages and texts to send your guy:
137. Good morning good looking! Had a wild dream about you last night….Can’t wait to make it come true.
138. The quickest way for me to wake up is to imagine you’re at my door.
139. Good morning sexy! I took a cold shower this morning. Twice. So, thanks for that.
140. Good morning gorgeous! I’m still wearing that smile you gave me…😘
141. Morning babe, let me know if you need some help getting into trouble later, I have a few ideas up my sleeve…
142. Want to come over for some breakfast and…? Trust me, there isn’t a better way to start your day! You are welcome 😉
143. Someday we’ll be together. Until then, here is a nude photo. Oops, sorry! It’s not sending….Hold on. Wait. Okay, did it work? Hmm…No. Okay, well, anyway. Good morning to you!
144. You really make me happy when…(a cliffhanger message that will have his mind running wild).
145. Good morning, can you guess what I’m thinking about right now…
146. I’m addicted to the way I feel when I’m thinking about you.
147. Good morning my love! Brrr… it’s so cold and rainy today! I wish you were here to warm me up 😉
148. Listen, you have to stop making me think about you, ok? I’m busy. Just kidding! Good morning to you and your cute smile!
149. Good morning! So I heard that when you think about someone before you go to bed, it’s because they were thinking about you too. Thoughts?
150. Good morning hot stuff! Let me know if you feel like getting into trouble later. I have a few ideas that could be fun….;)
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Good Morning Texts For Him Long Distance
When you’re in a long distance relationship, it can be hard to stay connected. Which is why it’s important to find little ways to keep in touch throughout the day. One way to do that is by sending messages like good morning texts to him. Here are some funny, sweet, cute and flirty good morning texts for him (long distance) that will brighten his day:
- Good morning my love, no matter how far apart we are you need to know this: you are the best thing I’ve ever waited for. Have a great day, I love you!
- Good morning handsome! You make me smile despite the miles. Have a lovely day my sweet guy!
- I wanted to send you something sexy this morning but the mail man told me to get out the mailbox…:)
- Good morning my love, last night I hugged my pillow dreamed about hugging you. I can’t wait for the day that were together and I can give you a morning hug you and dream about my pillow!
- We may be thousands of miles apart but I aways wake up with you on my mind. Good morning!
- I may not be there with you, but I will always be there for you and never stop loving you. Good morning…:)
- Morning boo! I miss you! Here’s to waking up in a good mood and smiling all day until we are together again.
- Good morning my love! No distance can separate us or take away the love that I have for you.
A Word On Long Good Morning Texts For Him
Looking for a long good morning paragraph, message or text to send him?
How long should a good morning text message be anyway?
Well, if that’s what you’re looking for. Then I have a quick tip for you. Unless you’re in a long term relationship and he’s away on business. Or something along those lines. Then just don’t. It comes off more crazy than cute. Which lets face it, isn’t a good look on anyone.
Yes guys do like getting good morning texts. Texting the right way can even help to strengthen your romantic bond. (1) Men don’t, however, want to read a novel from you before they’ve even had a chance to shower. So go ahead and send him that text, but keep your messages to him, as short and sweet as possible! (2, 3)
Discover more about how to text guys by read our post here >> How To Text A Guy And Keep Him Interested
Do Guys Like Good Morning Texts?
Yes, guy’s like good morning texts. Especially, when the text messages are short and sweet. It’s a way to show your guy that you’re thinking about him and deepen your connection. And of course it’s always fun to wake up to a flirty, cute text message from that special someone that you really like.
Now You Know What To Say When A Guy Texts You Good Morning
So there you have it 150 good morning texts to send him and make him smile. With options for both a first morning text to your guy or a reply to his.
Because yeah, it’s kinda cute… and in all honesty? This is probably the only list you’ll ever need of the best funny, cute, romantic, flirty texts for him.
So you know that no matter which sweet message that you decide to send him – flirty, funny, romantic or sweet. You’ll be sure to brighten his day and make him feel special.
Happy texting!
PS. Want to meet a high quality man? Get your complimentary guide 44 Places To Meet A High Quality man Click Here.
What To Read Next
- 121 Clever Texts To Send To A Guy That You Like (Flirty, Funny & Irresistible)
- Do You Have To Text Everyday When Dating?
- Flirty Texts (For Him or Her)
- Should I Text Him First (When To Text Him and When To Wait)
- 200+ Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy (That No Man Can Resist)
- Pillow Talk Questions For Couples
- Guys LOVE These 7 Subtle Flirting Moves
Save this list of 150 Cute Good Morning Texts For Him To Make Him Smile for later on Pinterest…
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